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Rootpile Camp Entrance
Rootpile Tent Camping
Banjo Art Car
Painting Rootpile Stage
Rootpile Art Car
What should you expect if you join Rootpile Camp at Burning Man?
Campers will get a taste of Bluegrass music and Hillbilly food & culture. We encourage everyone to come to our planned events.
We take the 10 Burning Man Principles seriously and expect all Rootpile campers to do the same. Communal Effort, Participation, Leave No Trace and the like are integral to the success of camp.
In addition to their daily Rootpile camp duty shift, all Rooters are encouraged to also volunteer with one of the many Burning Man departments for at least one shift.
Camp Operation:

  • Campers are encouraged to come to concerts and learn more about Bluegrass and southern food and culture. Everyone needs to know why You Can't Hurt Ham!
  • Team participation shifts will be arranged in advance of Burning Man by each team lead. Each team will be organized so that team members will typically be doing a two hour shift per day, but shift lengths might vary by team.
  • Campers are expected to do one shift each day of Burn Week. There are also opportunities to work Build or Teardown.
    • See the Camp Involvement page to find out more details about camp team and team lead options.
  • Campers are encouraged to do at least one volunteer shift at Burning Man in addition to Rootpile camp duty shifts.
  • Playing/Learning opportunities for every level of musician.
  • Campers should practice the 10 Burning Man Principles: Radical Inclusion, Gifting, Decommodification, Radical Self-Reliance, Radical Self-Expression, Communal Effort, Civic Responsibility, Leave No Trace, Participation, and Immediacy
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